
Perhaps it’s finally time to write something here to take the place of the explanation of what an “About” page is supposed to be.

To begin at the beginning, I’ve been blogging since February 2000 when I was a senior in high school.  Purchased transcended.net in April 2001 during my freshman year of college.

This blog has documented my life as I moved through college, boyfriends, one of those boyfriend’s becoming my fiance, who then became my husband.  It has watched me cycle through several crappy jobs right out of college, then grad school, then living abroad for grad school in Paris.

It was there when I found my current job in finance which keeps me completely overworked.

And when I got a kitten during my junior year of college (she is ten now!).

It was there when I was diagnosed with lupus nephritis in January 2005. 

It was there when I flared in 2010 after trying to wean off my meds so the hubs and I could start a family.

And now it’s here as I embark on the next adventure…a miracle pregnancy after successfully switching meds in May 2012.

This blog has in the past been a political blog but in the last few years has gone back to its roots: a blog about my life and the things that matter to me.

I am a Christian, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a co-worker, a cat lover, a home-owner and now, a mom!


  1. […] transcended.net About […]

  2. Lisa says:

    Hope you’re feeling better….

  3. Antony says:

    Elsie Johnson Posted on You just made me cry for you could have been me talking about my eneeripxce with my Lupus discovery. I have been diagnosed for 6 years and know for a fact that my Lupus was there since I was about 12 years old but just never knew to connect all the symptoms. I am now almost 45 years old. I started to cry when my Determatoligist told me the results were SLE. When my Rhumey and been giving me test after test for months. I had even ended up in the hospital for 5 days with a severe rash, 105 degree fever that would not go down for 4 of those days, plus pain so bad they i was given pain meds via an IV and I watched the clock for the next time I could get the medicine.My potassium was low at the same time and I had to have an IV bag of potassium that took almost 4 hours to give to me because they had to have the drip so low because it was so painful that was one of the worst pains I ever remember. Over the years I have learned to deal with extreme pain.

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