Archive for Well, that hurt

“Now kids, when your friends have great news, you’re happy for them. For like a millisecond. And then you start thinking about yourself.” – Ted

This week has forced me to admit that all these pregnancies/births/adorable baby stories/actual babies…they are starting to hurt.

A lot.

But, as ten years of blogging has clearly established (and yes, it’ll be ten years this month but that’s another post), I am an emotional cutter.  So of course I have to hear every single one of these stories, seek out every picture I can get my hands on and coo over every adorable baby that crosses my line of sight.

It’s like I love hearing about this stuff because it’s so freakin’ cute and I just love hearing about kids…but it also kind of feels like someone is pushing needles into my soul everytime I hear about the most adorable thing someone else’s child did. 

Because I can’t help but think.  Not mine.  Maybe never mine.

And this shiver just goes through me and my throat closes up and sometimes my heart literally aches. 

I can’t explain it.  And I’m ashamed that such a wonderful thing could possibly make me feel this way.

It’s not that I’m not overjoyed for other people.  I am.  I see the joy in their faces, hear it in their voices…almost everyone I work with is a devoted and doting father (despite the stereotype of the absent Wall Street father, finance on the West Coast tends to be a pretty different animal)…which is awesome and actually part of the reason I love working with them so much…but recently it has been hard to listen to a lot of the conversations. 

I know some people without kids get offended when people with children talk about how their lives and perspectives completely changed after their kids were born.  I don’t.  I get it. 

They don’t even have to say it.  Like I said, it’s just there.  In the way people talk about their children.  As though they are talking about unicorns that shit diamonds or something.  You can’t really express that kind of sentiment verbally, it tends to come through non-verbal cues like the giant grin that breaks out everytime they mention their kids. 

I don’t begrudge them that life changing happiness, it makes me happy to see parents loving their children like crazy, I just want in that fucking club.  I want my life to change.  I want my priorities rearranged.  

I want to know what it’s like too.

One of my coworker’s wife had their first baby this week and it has been especially difficult listening to the chatter about how happy people are for him.  Hearing them recount their own stories of rushing off to the hospital, the amazement of being a parent for the first time…all these experiences that I want so desperately to have and I guess the aching comes from knowing this may never be in the cards for me.  It’s weird, because I am really happy for him (he has been wanting her to pop one out since before they got married two years ago, even though he’s only thirty) and they are going to be great parents.  I don’t feel envious of them, I don’t feel anything towards them except happy.  But I can’t deny that it makes something about me feels a little bit more broken when I hear these things.  

(Sounds like a personal problem, I know.)

The other day, I asked Paul if he could really imagine our lives with children.   Because, I said, sometimes I can’t imagine what it would be like to insert a baby into our peaceful, stable little lives.  He didn’t hesitate for one second, he said of course he could picture it.

Just another sign of what I already knew.  My husband is there.  He’s ready.  Now we really are just waiting for me.

It’s also hard because we’re getting to an age and point in our marriage (4yrs this July or 5yrs this June depending how you count it) where people feel comfortable questioning us on when the little ones will be coming along.  I can’t get upset over them asking because I do it to other young couples too.  It’s the natural progression of life right?  You grow up, get married, have babies.  The end.

Mostly, I just lie.  I give people the “we’re still young” line and people accept it, because I guess by today’s standards we are.  The truth makes people uncomfortable, and it’s complicated with me not wanting people to think of me as being “sick.” 

Recently, though, I’ve started sharing a little bit with certain people.  I think it’s just becoming too much to hold it in all the time.

My mom talks about it with all my relatives (and probably all of her friends too, but oh well, that’s just my mom) and then she tells me their reactions.  Apparently when she told a couple of my aunts that Paul and I are seriously considering adoption, their reaction was “Why don’t they just not have kids, they’re so much work anyway.”

Which, okay, I get.  My aunts love me and they are both going through struggles with every single one of the four (adult) children that they have between the two of them.  I see where they are coming from.  And to be fair, they have never been so insensitive as to say it in front of me, only to my mother, though I’ve never discussed having kids with them at all to begin with.

Anyway, I brought this up to Paul one day and asked him what he thought.  Were they right?  I knew that I really wanted kids no matter what, but did he?  Knowing how much “trouble” they can be, did we still want to go down the path of doing whatever it takes to be parents (short of stealing one, I suppose)?

His reaction?  Made me thank God I married this man…

First he laughed.  He laughed like, seriously?  They said that?

And then, he actually said, Seriously?  They said that?  Wow, that’s actually a really rude thing for someone with kids to say.

What do you mean, I asked?

Well, he said, How can anyone who has kids ask us why we want them?  Why do WE want kids? Why did you have YOUR kids?

I know for people who don’t know my husband, that conversation was probably nothing astonishing.  But folks, my husband does not say things like that about people.  My husband is impossible to get a rise out of, so for him this was a pretty strong reaction.  He was clearly annoyed by what they said, and this is a man that rarely gets annoyed at the words of others.  So I think it’s safe to say that this is a sore subject for him too.  And while, that doesn’t make me feel good, it is nice to have that confirmation that I do indeed have a partner in what I’m feeling.


I was watching this video this morning. At first I was mainly paying attention to the lyrics. They seem to accurately capture a lot of what I’m feeling right now. Except I think I may be applying it in the wrong way…

But then I actually started to watch the photo montage and when it came to the picture of the lone set of footprints in the sand, it hit me.

During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little lost.  I used to believe so strongly that God had a Plan for my life even if I had no clue what that was.  It was a comforting feeling.  That there would be meaning at the end of the road.

But recently, I haven’t felt that way.  I’ve been wondering if there really is a plan and finding that I’m not as comfortable with the not knowing part.  (Although, let’s face it, I have never been super comfortable with that part of it because of the whole control-freak problem).

I realized though, looking at that stupid photo, that as alone as I feel right now, this is probably one of those times where He is really carrying me.  And I have to trust in that.

Even if I don’t feel confident about where I’m headed anymore.

This might hurt
It’s not safe
But I know that I’ve gotta make a change
I don’t care if I break
At least I’ll be feeling something
Cause just ok
Is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of life
I don’t wanna go through the motions
I don’t wanna go one more day
Without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don’t want to spend my whole life asking
What if I had given everything?
Instead of going through the motions

No regrets, not this time
I’m gonna let my heart defeat my mind
Let Your love, make me whole
I think I’m finally feeling something
Cause just ok
Is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of this life

– The Motions by Matthew West

Dear Sleep, I miss you.

This has been another marathon-like week. 

Started off with a bang with a lovely 12hr work day due to the fact that The Boss (i.e. our boss’s boss) was in the region and we had a big group meeting wherein the State of the Firm was discussed.  It was actually pretty interesting, but since the whole team can’t exactly slip off the desk for an hour in the middle of a trading day, we had it at the end of the day.  And tacking that extra hour onto an already long day is not a fun to begin a week.

Also on the work-front, I was extra busy the first three days because one of the guys I support was at a conference and, of course, we launched a few new deals (yes, multiple) in addition to normal trading. 

Monday night Paul went out with his buddies but they came over for drinks first and by the time they had left it was 7:30pm and I still needed to eat and shower and wind down for bed.  I didn’t end up falling asleep until after 10pm, which for context, is probably like going to bed at 1-2am for most people who work normal hours.

On Tuesday my joints were already starting to ache a bit but I managed to get in a seven hour night and was hoping that would help me make it through the week…

Yesterday, Wednesday, I continued my trend of Good Role-Modeling by once again going straight from tutoring to a wine-related event.  Last time it was a wine-tasting, well this time I decided to at least pretend I was doing something educational while drinking wine and took a wine-tasting class with some friends (half-price, thanks Grou.pon!).  Which was fun, except it started at 6:30pm and went the full two hours.  Then we had to drop our friend off at his car so we didn’t get home until after 9pm.  Then Paul had to eat and I was kind of drunk and blah blah blah and suddenly it was ten-fucking-thirty…but at least I was sober by the time I went to bed I guess…

Anyway, today, our friend from NY is back in town again and coming to see our place, grab dinner and smoke cigars with the hubs.  Tomorrow he will be back AGAIN and he and the hubs will be cooking dinner for a bunch of coworkers and former coworkers at our place (I told you they are bff’s).

I don’t know how I”m going to make it through what’s left of the week, all I know is that Saturday morning feels very far away and I can’t even really count the number of joints that are starting to ache. 

I think this is why I’m so scared to stop taking am.bien.  But at the same time, I’m sure that at this point it is itself contributing to my sleep issues. 

So what to do?  I can’t just stop taking it because my body obviously breaks down without sleep, but I’d really like to figure out how to sleep without it.  But I can’t unless I do go through the whole withdrawal thing.  Which I can’t, because I really can’t afford a bad night’s sleep if I can get an okay one.  I know that I’m hurting myself in the long run, but with this disease not sleeping could be hurting me even more in the long run (e.g. if it were to cause a flare that causes more kidney damage). 

There you have it.  A small window into the circular thinking that goes on inside my head. 

I shouldn’t even be sitting here typing this, I should be taking a nap. 

But then what if I can’t sleep tonight?



I’m exhausted. I’ve been sleeping horribly all week. Nothing is helping. In fact, I’m thinking it’s really time to give up the am.bien for good.

So now I can barely eat or sleep. Inhaling a tub of chili cheese fries and passing out for a week (or perhaps passing out in a tub of chili cheese fries) basically sounds like a beautiful and unattainable dream right now.

My back hurts and I’m crabby.

I’m sure I’m going to be an even more awesome tutor than usual today…poor kid.


Yes, I’m awake. No, I’m not going into the office.

That was pretty much decided when I got up to give the toilet a hug around 3am.

I should really go try to knock out for a few more hours since I could use the rest, especially after lying awake half the night trying to avoid the aforementioned visit to the restroom…but lying down only seems to make the nausea worse, so what’s a girl to do? Either way, staring at the screen and attempting to form complete sentences is much harder than it should be so it’s probably time to sign off.


Well, the embarrassment is already creeping in. I’d like to write more, perhaps explain myself, but right now I kind of just feel like throwing up.

Hoping to make it into the office tomorrow, so probably best to leave this for another day.

spoke too soon

Tylenol is no longer doing its thing. Can’t seem to get back under 100, which is the magic number where I start to feel better.

The addition of a sore throat and body aches is making me question my self-diagnosis of a bladder infection, but I suppose having a bladder infection doesn’t mean I can’t also have the flu. In any case, I went to the lab this morning so we shall see.

I’ve been really sick with paralyzing arthritis many times in the past few years, and I can usually take it like a champ.

For some reason, this sucks so much more.

doctor? i don’t need no stinking doctor!

Fever has come back down again but the ache in my back/side area is still worrisome so I’ve decided to use my standing lab orders tomorrow. This is the only real benefit of having monthly lab orders – avoiding the GP! I was tempted to take some antibiotics I have lying around from when my lymphocytes dropped over the summer, but decided against it since I’m pretty sure if the tests come back positive for anything that I will receive a note with a prescription from my doctor in short order anyway. I probably still would have started myself on a course but I’m not sure of the exact dosage and Dr. Google suggested that for the occassional UTI (which this BETTER be) the antibiotic that I have may not be the first thing to try.

If things are worse in the morning (please don’t be worse in the morning) then perhaps I’ll drop in on the Urgent Care Clinic instead of the lab. But the tylenol has been doing an ok job of keeping the fever down so far so it can’t be that bad right? And a hot shower did wonders for my aching joints. It was probably also good to wash away some of those germs and clamminess. I’m tempted to wash the sheets too even though I literally just washed them. I just feel like it can’t be healthy to sleep in the same environment I was sweating all over last night.

Side note, it’s seriously amazing to me that I’ve become that person. The one who lives in an immaculate house and gets excited about actually having time to do chores on the weekend.

oh that freshly run-over-by-a-truck feeling

My fever broke mid-morning but I spent the rest of the day lying in bed in a clammy haze.

Don’t think I have been this sick in a very long time and my fever is starting to creep back up again.

My right kidney area seems to be aching slightly which leads me to believe that my suspicions are correct and the root cause of this is a bladder infection. I literally haven’t had one in about ten years so I brushed off the very obvious symptoms I started to experience last week. Things seemed to be improving so I didn’t worry too much about it until the fever hit last night.

And it just occurred to me that I’m supposed to be especially nervous around any infection given the meds I am on, but especially bacterial infections.

And of course, it’s now Friday afternoon. Which means no doctor visit over the weekend unless I want to take a third trip to the ER this year (I don’t).

Oh well.

through sickness and health

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night, burning up and sweating profusely. I was also shivering from cold.

That was my first hint that I might not be making it into the office today.

I popped some tylenol and laid there trying not to wake up Paul but around 3AM the boy must have sensed I was in pretty bad shape because out of nowhere he woke up and looked at me.

It only took four words: I have a fever.

You should have seen my hubby spring to action. In thirty seconds flat there was a cold towel on my forehead and he was running downstairs to grab an icepack (wrapped in a towel) to position under my neck. Keep in mind he had been fast asleep two minutes earlier (and that it was 3AM!).

I don’t know that I ever imagined being taken care of this well.

And can you see why I want to have babies with this man? Honestly, sometimes I worry about my own ability to be a mother, but I have never questioned that Paul will be an amazing father. The man knows how to take care of the people he loves.

Well, I still feel pretty horrible overall, so I think I’m going to go back to drinking my soup (which Paul made for me before he left to work…okay, I’ll stop now..). The monitor is giving me a headache.

something’s gotta give

I hate needles. I mean, I really hate them. I spent pretty much the first twenty-two years of my life avoiding them whenever possible (i.e. all but one time when I was about thirteen or so and I pretty much had a panic attack afterwards). Now, of course, I can’t avoid them, but even after what’s probably close to a hundred draws I still can’t watch them draw my blood. Or anyone else’s.

Recently I’ve been having my blood drawn a lot more than usual. My poor veins have been tapped so often I’m pretty sure the marks are permanent. You know how I know I’ve been having my blood drawn way too often?

Last trip to the lab

Phlebotomist: *takes a look at my arm* Oh hun, how often have you been coming in?

Me: About every other week or so.

Phlebotomist: I can tell. I can see still see the marks. Good thing you have good veins!

She was super sympathetic and the whole exchange sort of took me by surprise because I’ve had her once or twice before and she’s always very nice and courteous but we’ve never really chit-chatted before. And it seemed like she felt really bad for me and it was very sweet of her but it made me feel kind of weird.

I mean, wow, you really have to be getting poked with way too many needles if a phlebotomist is feeling bad for you.

The funniest part of the whole thing? She should have seen the other arm, which had a fresh 5-day old IV wound on it!

Anyway, to sum up, I hate needles.

So why am I actually considering acupuncture? You know, the thing where they STAB a hundred litttle NEEDLES into your FLESH.

Yes, I’m actually starting to feel that desperate. And I’m starting to realize that I have to do more. Not just because I want to get pregnant but also just because I really want to get off all these meds. And since evidently, just taking the meds doesn’t *fix* me, I must need to do more. I’m also planning to go on a one month beef, dairy and candy fast (Paul is going to do it with me as soon as we finish off the meat from our last Costco trip). The more I look into nutrition-related information pertaining to lupus patients the more annoyed I am that doctors don’t tell you about things like the fact that dairy is highly correlated to lupus flares and autoimmune issues in general. My doctors are extremely intelligent men but why is it that they a) don’t know these things or b) don’t bother to tell their patients?

I’m trying to be more pro-active about my health as opposed to sitting by and hoping the meds do what they failed to do last time.

Or maybe this is the only thing I can do to feel like I have a tiny bit of control over all of this. Who knows, maybe getting poked with a zillion teeny needles won’t do a damn thing, but at least I’ll know that I did everything I could to get better (for real).