I can’t believe I’ve officially made it into the third trimester. What? How did this happen so quickly? Pregnancy has both inched by and flown by in the blink of an eye.
I had another PR interval and growth scan today and baby boy is measuring 3lbs on the dot! He’s still measuring slightly large for his gestational age and today the tech pointed out that all his measurements are average except he has an above average sized head which is why he measures big. Eek! The good news is that his heart still looks perfectly normal, as do all his organs, my cervix is still long and closed (3.48cm), his fluid levels look great and his cord does NOT appeared to be wrapped around his neck (which has been my new thing to obsess about for the past couple weeks). The doctor says as long as his next check in two weeks looks good they won’t have to do anymore. I am both happy and sad about this. Happy because baby boy has passed all his ultrasounds with flying colors but sad because we won’t get to see his adorable little chipmunk face as regularly anymore. My OB said I’ll most likely start NST’s the week after we stop the ultrasounds though, so he’ll still be getting plenty of monitoring.
In slightly less good news, the kiddo remains firmly in a breech position. I know it’s a little bit early to worry about this but he has only been head down in ONE ultrasound since week 18. He does not seem to enjoy being head down and if he is stubborn like his dad he’s not going to turn into a position he doesn’t want to be in (Paul was a c-section due to being breech). I’m really, really hoping he’ll turn on his own in the next couple weeks but if not I’ll ask my doctor about ECV.
So today marks 29 weeks on the dot, and I must say this week I definitely started feeling pretty third trimester-y, also known as more and more uncomfortable. In an effort to remind myself that no, it’s really not that bad, I thought it might be a good time for a quick comparison of my pregnancy symptoms at 29 weeks versus my lupus flares.
Physical Appearance:
As of Tuesday I weighed about 127lbs or 17lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. At the height of my last flare I weighed almost 140lbs and if all goes according to plan I won’t hit that even by 39-40 weeks. My weight gain during pregnancy appears to be confined to the ever-growing belly and my bo.obs and I’m pretty comfortable with how I look in a bikini right now 🙂 On the other hand, during my last flare I certainly grew a massive, bloated belly (that appeared about 5-6 months pregnant) and also retained water in my legs, and thanks to the prednisone I gained weight (fat) in my thighs, back, neck and face. I felt completely disgusting and gross and hated the sight of myself in the mirror or pictures.
During a couple bad flares my feet swelled up to the point that I could not fit them into my sneakers and a friend who saw them said they looked like play-doh. So far (knock on wood!) I haven’t had any water retention issues during pregnancy.
Flares caused my hair to fall out en masse, whereas after my body adjusted to my new meds (which cause hair loss) I’ve gotten lots of compliments on how nice my hair has looked during this pregnancy (even when I haven’t even brushed it in a few days!). I will say that pregnancy has wreaked havoc on my skin but I have a sneaking suspicion that the condition of my skin could also have something to do with long-term steroid use so who knows…
Physical Limitations:
During my last flare I had to buy a shower chair. When things were at their worst, I literally could not stand up long enough to wash my hair, much less condition or even think about shaving my legs. When I was showing a friend around our (new at the time) condo, he commented about the “pregnancy” chair (his sister had recently had a baby and I’m assuming she bought one during pregnancy which is why he associated it that way) and it was like a knife through my heart. As of right now I haven’t had to use the chair during this pregnancy – not even to shave! – that will probably change in a few more weeks but hey 29 weeks without needing to sit in the shower ain’t bad 🙂
I’m still pretty mobile at this point, I can make it easily up and down the stairs, I do have a little trouble rolling myself out of bed sometimes because I’m not used to being so front heavy! My back does start to hurt if I stand or walk too long but I can still go on shopping trips of reasonable length and walk around the neighborhood without much issue. The times I’m most uncomfortable is actually when I’m sitting in the office and I can feel the kiddo pushing up seemingly under my ribs and my mid-back starts to ache like crazy.
One of the first signs of my last flare (other than the joint pain) was that I could barely walk a half a city block without becoming short of breath and dizzy. Walking up the stairs was a difficult feat, it was painful on my joints and I just didn’t have the energy to do it. I had to take it one step at a time, hold on tight to the banister, and stop to rest on my way up. The swelling in my lower extremities would also get really bad if I stayed on my feet for too long and would actually become painful and make me feel like my feet might actually burst from all the fluid. Needless to say, I did not spend much time walking around or even just standing up.
Joint pain is always excruciating during flares, sometimes debilitating to the point where the simplest every day task feels impossible. I think I’ve mentioned the devastating feeling of barely being capable of wiping yourself after using the bathroom. To be honest, that has gotten a bit tricky during this pregnancy but only because my belly is starting to get in the way! Don’t worry though, I’ve figured out the trick to it 😉
I’ve had some joint pains here and there during pregnancy, mostly in my hips, back and tailbone, but I know it’s small potatoes compared to what I’ve felt in the past. I’m happy to report that (again knock on wood) I haven’t had any carpal tunnel issues that I hear are common in pregnancy.
I’m going to have to finish this up tomorrow because I’m too sleepy to continue. Hopefully I can get a good night’s sleep tonight.