wanted: one non-medically induced good night’s sleep

I started practicing piano again in earnest this weekend. 

The cold hurt my poor little arthritic fingers, but once I had a chance to warm them up a bit things weren’t sounding so bad. 

And it felt damn good.  To have it all make sense again. 

Or at least start to.

I’m going to try make that a habit from now on.  I think I need it.  It’s another form of catharsis, release of emotion through music perhaps? 

This is choppy and I’m tired.  Sent the hubby out to play with some of his frat buddies.  I declined the invitation to join because I have no desire to get home drunk at midnight and try to wake up at the pre-buttcrack of dawn also known as 4am.  I don’t think it really counts as the crack of dawn because the moon is still quite dominant at that time of night and I think even the roosters are still fast asleep since it doesn’t get light for another 2-3 hours depending on the season. 

So yeah, pass on that.

But once again I sit here trying to drug myself into sleep and it’s not working and I’m starting to really freak out because now it’s 9pm.  Which means even if I were to fall asleep this very second, I will still only get seven hours of sleep. 


At this rate I should be overjoyed if I get six and a half.  Six is probably a more realistic number and it makes me sad. 

I like sleep.

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