
Look at me posting two days in a row!

I am supposed to go get some labs done but for some reason I’m really dreading it today.  Maybe it’s because the draws at this lab almost always hurt.  Or maybe I just enjoyed the past few weeks of not having my veins molested.  All I know is I really, really don’t feel like being poked right now.

Unfortunately for me, at last check my liver enzymes were stable but still higher than normal so that needs to be monitored.  And even though my rheumy did not seem concerned that my complement levels were low (low C3 and C4 are a sign of active lupus), I know from looking at my past labs that they were on the low side even given my always low numbers.  So for my own peace of mind I’d kind of like to see them again before we have to really start factoring pregnancy into the equation.  I’m assuming that since I’m only 5dpo right now that even if there is something fertilized and swimming around in there it shouldn’t be affecting my numbers yet.  Or if it is…well…that would be a really bad sign wouldn’t it?

Speaking of 5dpo, I tried so hard today to just forget about the “two week wait” (2ww), but then came lunch time and the suggestion of Japanese food just reminded me, wait a minute I can’t eat raw fish (my favorite)!  And then I grabbed some chocolates from the box where our admin keeps snacks and had to think twice about whether or not I should eat it (I did).  How am I supposed to forget when I’m also supposed to be vigilant about what I’m eating/drinking?

Hoping that the next six days fly by…

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