mixed messages

My baby failed his first test 🙁 He had a “nonreactive strip” during his NST on Thursday, but luckily he passed the biophysical profile which is when they check for movements and fetal breathing on ultrasound. I guess he was just having a lazy baby day or wanted some extra camera time or something. It freaked me out but the nurses seemed happy once he passed the bpp so I tried not to let it bother me too much.

While I was at the hospital I had my labs done and then on Friday morning I had an appointment with Dr. OB that I thought went pretty well. Blood pressure was okay (not great) at 134/76. He went over my lab results and seemed happy that everything was stable and my serum creatinine was even a little lower than the week before. The only number that was a little high was my uric acid at 5.6 with 6.0 being considered an indicator of pre-e, but he assured me that it wasn’t the best predictor and he was happy that everything else looked fine. Heartbeat was a healthy 140bpm, he took swabs for GBS and I got the TDaP vaccine.

Dr. OB even said I could cancel my appointment for the next week and come back in two instead. So I was feeling pretty pleased with myself as I left his office and met up with my pregnant friend for lunch.

Except then Dr. MFM’s scheduler called me to say that he had gone over my labs and wanted me to come in next week after my NST to see his associate (because he was going to be out of the office) instead of waiting to see him the following week like we had originally discussed.

That had me a little bit worried but I tried to put it out of my mind.

Until during lunch his nurse called to say that Dr. MFM wanted me to do another 24 hour urine before I see his associate next week.

Urgh. Not sure what this is about it. Is it because of the uric acid? Is it because of the nonreactive NST? A combination of the two? Or is he just being really, really cautious?

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