they should call them stress tests

In the past two days I’ve had an appointment with my nephro, a trip to the lab, a trip to L&D for a midnight NST, a scheduled NST and an appointment with Dr. MFM2 (Dr. MFM’s associate).

It’s a good thing they’ve already pulled me out of work because going to the hospital appears to be my new full time job.

Mr. Cheeks failed (another) NST today which means I get to go back to the hospital (again) tomorrow for my third NST in three days. Luckily he’s passed all his biophysical profiles, once again breathing and moving like a champ on the ultrasound, but no accelerations for some reason. They said they wouldn’t be so worried about it, except that he passed his first two NST’s with flying colors. So what the heck baby? No more failing!!

On the bright side, the appointment with Dr. MFM2 went pretty well. She was concerned about the failed NST’s but happy about his BPP’s. She did another ultrasound and remarked about how low he is and that he’s getting ready to drop very, very soon. Yay! Hopefully that means he’s ready to be induced a bit before his due date. I think this also explains why I haven’t been feeling him the same way in the last few days, why his movements are softer and lower than I’m used to.

My blood pressure is still good/acceptable and labs remain stable. She explained that someone without my history of proteinuria and lupus would probably be induced now (with my lab results) but knowing my history (and that I always leak protein) they still feel comfortable letting me go to 37 weeks. So more confirmation that the right thing to do is plan for not going much past 37 weeks. She did say that things have gone very well so far, which is great to hear because it gives me hope that when the time comes everyone will feel okay about a second pregnancy.

They also set me up with a growth scan for next Monday so we can see how much Cheeks has grown in the last four weeks! I’m curious to see if he’s kept up his 1lb every two week rate, if so he’ll be just over six pounds at 35w3d!

Tomorrow, in addition to my NST, we have a meet and greet with a potential pediatrician. I’m feeling good about him because a) his Yelp reviews are great, b) he’s one of the doctors recommended by Dr. OB and c) when I mentioned him to the L&D nurse last night she said she loves him. Hopefully he lives up to the hype.

Thursday we have the first of a two part newborn parenting class. Luckily that’s all I have that day and then Friday I finally have a day of nothing! Saturday we have our hospital tour and then my second baby shower.

In between all of that I’m trying to muster up the energy to clean up the bedroom which is FILTHY. The floor needs to be mopped, everything is everywhere, the bathroom needs a thorough scrubbing and I need to clean out some drawers for Cheeks’ clothes! But I’m still having intermittent contractions so I’m supposed to stay off my feet and avoid bending/lifting so nesting is kind of tough to do right now.

Please, please, please Cheeks pass your NST tomorrow! That’s really the only thing that’s worrying me and kind of making it so I do want him out (see yesterday’s post). I want to stay pregnant for as long as possible but these non-stress tests are really starting to stress me out!

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