old life meet new life

With any luck tomorrow we will take a little family trip to J-town, where Paul will attempt to navigate the narrow aisles of the Japanese market with a stroller while I get a haircut.

A badly needed, long overdue haircut.

You see, I haven’t had a haircut since a couple months before I got pregnant, so you do the math on that one.

The week before I had T, I had actually had lunch with a pregnant friend who had just gotten a haircut and made me think, “Hm…I better get one of those before the baby comes.”

But then, of course, before I had a chance to make the appointment, boom. Baby. Came. And now my hair is inconveniently long and scary ratty at the ends (and of course now “the ends” are many inches long) and a pain to wash and an even bigger pain to try and dry. Mainly because all hair washing/drying must be done before the baby starts screaming for…something.

So, yeah, I really, really need a haircut.

Another thing I’m really looking forward to is my first postpartum brazilian. Before getting pregnant I had found a wax-er I loved and was seeing her pretty regularly. When I got pregnant Paul was afraid the wax could somehow be bad for the baby and as I got bigger and bigger I thought it’d be hard to try and contort into some of the positions necessary to get really, erm, clean…So once I found out I was pregnant I stopped going and now my lady bits are just dying to be nicely groomed once more. Unfortunately since my c-section scar is still rather red and sensitive to the touch I probably won’t be getting things in the nether region properly manicured for at least another 4-8 weeks 🙁

Any of you new mommies missing stuff like this? Or is it just me.


  1. Lian says:

    This reminded me of one of those mom jokes…

    A trip that would sound awesome is one to the bathroom in peace.

  2. P says:

    Haha! Yes totally agree with Lian. And a haircut would be amazing. Or a chance to eat quietly for more than 5 minutes at a time!

  3. the wingless one says:

    Hahah that is so true! It’s like babies know when you really, really need to go!