Love With Food May 2013 Review

I got a notification early this morning that my Love With Food box had shipped so I was surprised when I checked the status later in the morning and saw that it was out for delivery!

The theme this month is Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed and there were eight items included:

Great Full Cookie from The Cookie Department, Inc.: Paul saw that it was a vegan cookie and immediately declared he wanted no part of this cookie.

Strawberry Preserves from Bonne Maman: Planning to use this on my next pbj sandwich.

Hand Drip Coffee from Caffe Borsa: I’m not much a coffee drinker but Paul should enjoy this if it’s any good.

Original Cajun Seasoning from “Slap Ya Mama”: Paul said he’s been meaning to try this so this works out perfectly!

Tomato Crunch from Snapz Crisps: This seemed a bit out of place in a breakfast box but could be interesting.

Authentic Almond Biscotti from Biscotti Bari: Unlike the vegan cookie, Paul claimed dibs on this right off the bat.

Latte Candy from Bali’s Best: Nothin’ bad about coffee flavored candy in my mind.

Mystery Item: Coconut Almond Crunch by Mrs. May’s Naturals: This is the only thing we’ve tried so far, Paul ate it as part of his dinner and even deigned to let me have one. We’ve bought the regular almond crunch flavor before from TJ’s so there was no real surprise here but it was tasty.

I was really looking forward to this box because I love trying new food/snacks and I don’t know if I just got myself too hyped up but I found myself a little disappointed by this box. Don’t get me wrong, everything in it will likely be eaten and enjoyed well enough, but I was really hoping for at least one item to love and I don’t see that happening (although maybe the latte candy? or the seasoning?).

That said, I got this box for $2 with a coupon code so I can’t really complain. Normally the box is $10+2 shipping so I think I’ll give it another chance since that still only comes out to $7/month (yes I’m a nerd and am thinking of it in terms of the dollar cost average).

If you’re interested in trying out the box (because I did such a great job of selling it, right? lol can you believe I do this for a living?), please use my referral code!

One comment

  1. Scott says:

    I hope Paul enjoyed the coffee 🙂