I guess we’ll see how well I know my body in short order here, but I’m fairly certain that I ovulated last week and will be getting my first postpartum period soon.
I suppose I should be glad, hopefully this means my cycle will return to predictable and reliable, hopefully this means TTC #2, when the time comes, will be as simple and straightforward as the road that led us to our lovely little T. But since we’re not quite there yet, I was really hoping to put off the return of monthly hormonal breakouts, cramping and exhaustion for a bit longer.
I’m pumping or nursing at least five or six times per day but apparently the night feeds are the most vital in holding periods at bay and those have been out of the picture for nearly two months since T started sleeping his eleven to twelve hours per night. I pump right before I leave for the office at 5am but I guess the long gap between his last feed (usually 7:00-7:30pm) is just too long and I don’t want to have to stay up late to pump one last time before bed (since my pump will only give me a letdown if it’s been at least 2hrs since his last feed). And, if the choice is between waking up in the middle of the night to pump and my period, I will take the period.