brought to you by it’s too late for this

Holy crap it’s late. I drank a large matcha green iced tea way too late in the afternoon and I’ll pay for it tomorrow morning as I try to drag my tired bum out of bed.

It’s been a seriously long week you guys. A lot of things happened. Most of which I went get into much detail about because it relates to the J O B. Long and the short of it is bye-bye 5 day work weeks. But I do get to keep my job and my new team rocks and sound like they will be flexible with me in terms of hours and time off. So this could all work out for the best, it’s stressful for now though because I. Hate. Change.

So. Much.

But change is happening and I can’t do much about it. The thought of having to roll my ass out of bed and go into the office 5 days a week is painful. But there are worse things. And we did leave open the chance that we can revisit going back to the 4 day schedule down the road. So I have a light of the end of the tunnel I guess.

This coming Monday will be my last one off for awhile 🙁 Hopefully I’m able to settle into my new role quickly so that I can justify taking time off here and there again. And I hope my body can hang with the hours and stress.

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