"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later


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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

bored in the bay

I finally skimmed through the comments from my "i love john hawkins" post last week...They raised a few questions in my mind for example, what exactly is it that makes someone a Republican vs a Democrat or some other third party? Is it all self-definition or are there some actual rules?

Also, cowtipper brought up the undeniable fact that majority of people in the military love President Bush and were at the very least not especially fond of Clinton.

Most of my fellow soldiers back Bush 100%, now why do you think that is???

I think that's one question that will make "liberals" (okay, okay, people who don't like Bush) scratch their heads forever. The obvious logic is that President Bush is a damn good CIC and Clinton was less than desirable but in my humble opinion "people who don't like Bush" rarely if ever believe the logical explanation is true.

Anyway, just my two cents...I'm still not feeling myself, I haven't been able to sleep past 10 a.m. no matter what time I go to bed >< I can't decide when to head back down to LA because I feel like I'm not spending enough time with the family much less my friends...but I really need to finish unpacking and get settled in before work starts since I'm heading to Ohio the weekend after that.

On another note, I've decided to use my power as a blogger (limited as it may be) to tell everyone I hate Direct TV. When I first signed up for the service I told them specifically I'd probably be moving in the next few months and they promised me it would be no big deal. Well guess what...it is a big deal. First I had to get an extra reciever, sign a new year's contract (those bastards) and pay five dollars more a month...now they're saying I need a $60 Direct TV tripod because our new complex won't let us put holes in the wall. I can't just tell them to go fck themselves because I already have a damn contract with them...so all I can do is tell anyone who reads this to avoid Direct TV at all costs! Especially if you're going to be moving in the near future.

Okay, I should really go find something more productive to do now.

wingless was still breathing at 10:44 AM -

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