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Thursday, June 24, 2004


I can't think of anything to write. I haven't been keeping up with the news, haven't been turning on the TV even really, I feel so disconnected. P and I actually did watch a little bit of the 11 o'clock news two nights ago and it was like BAM BAM BAM - one depressing story after another. They started off with the story about the South Korean kidnap victim who was beheaded...showing his family...Korean-Americans mourning in K-town...the worst was when they showed the video clip of him begging for his life. It made me want to cry. It made me want those terrorist bastards to die slow, painful deaths. Fuck the Geneva Conventions, those sub-human creatures deserved to be treated like the disgusting animals they are. Because no human being could have watched that man plead for his life like that and still beheaded him.

I'm really...the word isn't happy...relieved maybe...that the South Korean government is standing firm and sending another 3,000 troops anyway. We cannot let those monsters terrorize and threaten us into backing down. I'm reminded once again of Frank J's serious column.

My guess is a lot of the liberals out there will say I'm not seeing it from the other perspective...seeing it from the "freedom fighter" point of view...but to me that's just bullshit. Sometimes there is a right and there is a wrong and this time we are right and they are wrong. They may have started out with a justifiable cause (over half a century ago) but at this point they are just killing innocent human beings who have done nothing except try to help out their [the terrorists'] fellow Muslims.

I know I said I had nothing to say and then I launched into this long-winded ramble, but I just hate that there are people like that alive in the world today. However, unlike a liberal, just because I hate the fact that people like that exist, I'm not going to pretend they don't, or try to paint them into a prettier picture at the cost of making America seem like some sort of imperialistic war-monger. Why are liberals so afraid to label evil...except when it comes to the country that has provided them with everything including the right to parade around in the street like morons with their stupid slogans and crazy antics (i.e. drenching oneself with red paint and then running around harrassing people stopped at left-turn signals). I will never understand their love for the baby-killing Palestinian and their hatred for our great nation. Okay I'm done. For now.

wingless was still breathing at 11:31 AM -

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