"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later


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Thursday, January 20, 2005

reminder: things to take care of

There are things I should really address: the little war of words going on in the comments section in the middle of the page (re: David Limbaugh's article), my archiving problem, the email I appreciate very much from a Mr. Chunn....But I'm copping out for now because I'm exhausted for no good reason. I spent the day watching inauguration festivities in between writing cover letters and sending out resumes. The job hunt is now in full swing. The things I mentioned at the beginning of the post will unfortunately have to wait until Joyce has a bit more energy and my brain doesn't feel like it's floated up out of my head and into a giant fluffy cloud.

Thank GOD tomorrow is Friday. And it's even a half day for me because I get to go visit my doctor again. Time for more tests >< In response to Mr. Extreme...no my doctor hasn't given me any medication for the time being, I'm supposed to stick with ibuprofen when I need it and I'm supposed to join a gym (which I have yet to do...thinking about the Windsor Pullati thing, anyone have any suggestions?). If it turns out I have something frightening like rheumatoid arthritis/lupus I will undoubtedly be put on medication and finding a job that offers healthcare will be that much more crucial to my job hunt. On the other hand it could be a viral infection in my lungs, in which case I'm not sure if medication would help...my inner ear infections haunted me for quite a few years because there was no way of getting rid of them except for time. Then on the other hand it could be all in my head in which case I need to find myself a good psychotherapist. Or maybe once I quit this job and find a new one all my ailments will suddenly disappear...cause maybe it's just being stuck in a crappy office environment for 9+ hours a day without being allowed to leave and breathe fresh air and soak up some socal sunlight. Who knows?

Someday soon I'll start commenting on politics again. Lately I've just been reading a lot of articles and nodding in agreement but can't find the energy to put my own spin on it. I'd like to get out of this rut ASAP but I'm not sure how. I really think all my problems will be solved when I secure new employment so if any of you miss the old Joyce rants...find me a new job!! ;)

That's all for now, time to veg out in front of the TV for another hour and a half or so until I can go home to my obese kitty.

wingless was still breathing at 3:50 PM -

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