"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later


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Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Wow. I have never been so thankful for the ability to get up out of bed, walk down a flight of stairs, put my shoes on and even just brush my teeth without pain! My fevers are gone, my joint pains are gone and I feel back to normal other than the voracious appetite (caused by one of the medications). Sadly I can't pig out because the medication also makes me retain ridiculous amounts of water and gain weight like crazy which means I have to limit salt (to avoid high blood pressure) and sugar (to avoid diabetes) as well as try to stay on a relatively low-calorie diet. As a result all I can think about now is food.

From the minute I wake up I'm plotting my meals for the day, trying to figure out what I want to eat and what I actually am allowed to eat. Sadly most of what I want to eat doesn't match up with what I can eat. Hot dogs, pizza, cobb salads, fries, virtually any fast food, even most cereals, breads...EVERYTHING has way too much sodium in it! I never realized how much sodium people take in on a daily basis. No wonder high blood pressure is such a problem. So I've been eating a lot of asparagus (with a little mayo for extra flavor), last night I made lemon pepper salmon, I have oatmeal with a little pork sung for breakfast (or cinnamon and honey)...It's not the food I really want but hopefully I'll get used to it soon.

Anyway, I've also started going back to church which feels great. I really think that this experience was God's way of calling me home to Him. It made me realize that I am so weak and foolish on my own and I really need Him to play a bigger role in my life. A life without Him just leads down unhealthy roads and I want to live in the light again!

So that's what's new with me...I've been so amazed by all the things going on in the Middle East. God is working miracles I tell ya. And even liberals should have to admit that He did his work through George W. Bush this time! Except they don't believe in God anyway, just like they didn't believe in peace and democracy in the Middle East. Some people are just always wrong =) Just kidding! Sorta.

wingless was still breathing at 6:31 PM -

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