"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later


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Thursday, July 14, 2005

as if you needed more proof

Instead of doing the smart thing and calling said company that apparently wants to hire me and double checking that they did indeed fedex the offer to the right address, I've spent the afternoon fretting and telling myself, "If I don't get it tomorrow...THEN I'll call them."

What will probably happen is that tomorrow, on Paul's day off, I will call him every five minutes asking whether or not the fedex man has arrived and could you please, PRETTY PLEASE, go down to the management office ONE MORE TIME just to make sure it wasn't delivered there? And after obliging several hundred times because he's patient and he loves me, he will get fed up and tell me he's going to move out if I don't just call them already and find out where the hell that offer was sent.

I have a knack for driving both of us crazy when I get like this. Dear God let them have sent the package to the right address.

wingless was still breathing at 5:13 PM -

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