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"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later
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the fit has hit the shan
When I got to work this morning my manager was in the lobby having a serious-looking conversation with the guys at the security desk. He followed me into the elevator clutching a piece of yellow legal paper I recognized as being from one of the companies I called out to give us a bid (re: Mold In The Medical Building) and he looked at me like he wanted be ANYWHERE but in the building. I wondered where he had found the bid considering I had left it buried in a file folder, but didn't think much of it as I was not yet in the office and did not want to take off my iRiver headphones yet. "You don't know what happened yet, do you," he said to me in a voice I can only describe as totally and completely, utterly miserable. Apparently the bid was not for the mold remediation but was for an entirely new (or perhaps old but ignored and then escalated...which is generally how this company deals with problems) problem: on Saturday the main water supply line for a suite on the second floor started leaking and no one caught it until the cleaning crew came in on Sunday morning. When they noticed that the carpets were quite squishy. So the leak (torrential downpour?) completely destroyed a couple of the suites directly below it and caused a substantial amount of damage to another. Of course it had to happen in the medical building which means all kinds of fancy medical equipment has been destroyed and maybe medical records and all that fun stuff as well! Whee! It's kind of weird being here for this because on the one hand it Sucks. A Lot. But on the other hand, Wednesday is my last day and I don't really have to give a damn because while it may be my problem right this very moment, it won't be in two days. Which in reality, means its not really my problem at all since this situation is going to take a helluva lot more than two days to resolve. The phones have been ringing off the hook this morning (obviously a perfect day for our receptionist to get sick and stay home) and I'm not sure if I should be bothering the building engineers with things like "light bulb is out - please replace" or "toilet seat in 10th floor men's room broken - please check out" or "JackAss in suite 580 is too warm - please turn up A/C" when they're dealing with the fact that our medical building now resembles a wading pond. Meanwhile the amount of crap (i.e. work) I need to take care of is piling up and becoming more and more unmanageable. It has now been about four hours since I first started writing this post. So far the only good thing that has happened today is that the bottle of Coke that came with our lunch (had to order in) was a winner so now one of us gets a free liter of Coke. Yay. Totally not worth it. However, I do feel mighty productive today. The tree trimming permit I've been trying to get for MONTHS (stupid slow City of LA) was finally faxed over to us this afternoon. Since I've been calling them and bugging them on an almost daily basis I have no idea why they decided today was the magical day to actually respond and fax the damn thing over, but whatever, let's not look a gift horse in the mouth (what does that mean???). Oh yeah, Crazy Toilet Paper Lady strikes again! My last few days here just wouldn't have felt right if I didn't get to hear her whine about a lack of toilet paper (when the attendant has already refilled each stall with three rolls). She didn't seem quite as angry as the last time which leads me to believe that our shitty-ness as a property management company has finally taken its toll and she no longer has the will to bitch at us incessantly. So anyway, there went my day of reading Harry Potter quietly behind my wall. wingless was still breathing at 11:20 AM -
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