"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later


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Monday, November 07, 2005

adventures in unemployment

I was afraid, at first, that I might be bored out of my mind spending so many hours in the apartment after having worked regular (and often long) hours for a year and a half now. Turns out? There's quite a lot of stuff to do just in terms of keeping the place clean. And with the way I perform house-hold chores? Yeah, let's just say it takes awhile.

For example, this morning I vacuumed the whole apartment (yes, the whole studio apartment) and was so sweaty and exhausted after the ordeal (granted we do have one of those gigantic Dyson's) that I had to take a long shower. Then I did my QT and felt a bit more refreshed but still kinda tired and hungry from the vacuum "workout" so here I am two hours later eating a salami and provolone sandwich and blogging while I chat with people on AIM.

At some point I will probably take a nap and then finally feel refreshed enough to drag my butt out to drop off the dry cleaning and stop at a Starbucks or Coffee Bean to study until going to meet up with my friend Thelma in Pasadena for happy hour at The Yard House.

How long can this last? Not very, I'm guessing. Once I start to really get into my GMAT material and realize how I have no clue what I'm doing I probably won't even bother to vacuum until the weekends when Paul is around to do all the pushing while I scamper about moving the chairs around and picking up the cords off the ground.

wingless was still breathing at 10:42 AM -

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