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Friday, November 11, 2005

the altar of freedom

I caught the end of Saving Private Ryan tonight, just the end. The part where Tom Hanks is lying on the battlefield, dying, and he calls Matt Damon down to him and whispers in his ear, "Earn this, earn it."

And then it goes to voice over and there is a quote from Abraham Lincoln talking about how it must feel to lay down such a costly sacrifice at the "altar of freedom."

The altar of freedom.

That line really got me thinking about freedom and how it relates to our natural state. It's funny how we think of freedom as a given, something obvious and completely normal. But when you really sit down and think about it, freedom has not really been "the way of life" throughout most of the history of the world. The freedoms we have today in America exist because a LOT of young men were willing to go out and sacrifice their time, their blood and even their lives.

I think this is what people nowadays don't get. This is why they become so impatient with war. They think freedom is supposed to just happen. They don't realize that freedom requires sacrifice and as much as it saddens us lives are often lost in the quest for freedom.

I mean, pretty much all throughout the history of mankind people were ruled over. They were controlled and crushed by those considered their "betters." In fact, this is STILL how it is in a lot of the world (and oddly enough, in a lot of countries that liberals adore *cough*Cuba*cough*). People have ALWAYS had to fight to be free. Freedom has always been a struggle. But it's so worth it and it is so precious. And liberals, you can claim to love freedom all you want but clearly the Iraq War has shown that you people can't put your money where your mouth is. We ARE bringing freedom to a people who have been crushed and oppressed and persecuted by ONE crazy man. And yet, you "freedom loving" and "progressive" people, all you can talk about is how this is costing us too much blood and treasure. This is just a newsflash for you - freedom has always and will always cost us blood and treasure. BUT IT'S WORTH IT. How can you put a price on freedom? I thought you guys were the "let's all hold hands and save the world" party. Why can't you people be consistent?!

That is probably the single most infuriating thing about the other party. I can't figure out what the hell it is they stand for? Are they for helping people or against it? Or do they just stand for hating Bush and nothing beyond that?

wingless was still breathing at 11:20 PM -

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