"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later
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happy happy joy joy
The end of my first week at home. So far, I think everyone is happier with this situation than with me working. Paul is happy because when he comes home he is no longer coming home to a barely inhabitable wasteland, covered by a thick layer of dust and grime. The cat is happy because she actually gets fresh water in her bowl on a daily basis now AND I even wipe out all the nasty crap that ends up collecting on the bottom of the water dish. I am happy because I finally have time to take care of all those pesky doc appointments I was putting off AND take naps in the afternoon =) Oh yeah and I suddenly have all this studying to do which I NEVER would have gotten done if I was still occupied with being at work 10 hours a day. Even my little sister is happy with the arrangement because now I can go with her to Costco in the middle of a Friday to fulfill her meat needs (chicken and salmon). The best part for me though, is the fact that I have no excuses for not doing QT's now. I have a feeling this may be why God allowed what transpired to occur...I was making all these excuses (tired, busy, etc.) for not studying His word and working on my relationship with Him and now I have nothing but time. I'm really enjoying doing my QT's in the morning when I first wake up, it really sets a great tone for the whole day and helps me to feel refreshed and energized...ready for whatever comes my way. Anyway, more and more it looks like I will be going back to school in the fall. I have been in contact with a couple of the professors in the program I will be applying to and they are being absolutely incredible in terms of helping me figure out what courses I need to take and even offering to tutor me via email and phone! This is the first opportunity/idea I've presented to everyone (parents, friends, etc.) where everyone is like "GO FOR IT!" And it's weird but it feels like everything in this past year has been leading up to this for me. All these little things that worked out just right (like working for the shady property management company for four months is directly responsible for the size of the unemployment checks I will be getting...cause they paid me the most). As for politics, I have no excuse for not writing because I watch Brit Hume EVERY DAY NOW! I promise to get back into the swing of things next week though. Promise!
Your post title made me remember a Ren & Stimpy episode, and now I can't get the "Happy Song" out of my head, along with this picture of Ren hitting himself in the head, or rather his Happy Helmet, with a hammer over and over again. Thanks bunches.
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