"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later


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Military :: Kevin. Sgt Pontifex. Chief Wiggles. Eric. Koreahn. Bill

Blogs :: Lian. Phil. Dan. Click. Jon. Rijah. Christine. Dave. Opinions Vary. Dave. Carey. Albert. Len. Grace. Thelma. Pia. Bumblebee Dreams. Todd. Babiegoose.

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Thursday, November 03, 2005

left to my own devices

So far I have managed to be relatively productive despite having no set schedule. On my fourth official day of being unemployed I have successfully filed for unemployment benefits AND cleaned all of the cat hair and other nasty gunk out of my computer keyboard. I actually popped each and every key out and discovered a thick carpet of cat hair beneath the surface. It was quite disgusting. But it's gone now.

Isn't it amazing what you can do when you don't have a job taking up ten hours of your day, five days a week?

I also cleaned the bathroom sink area this morning and went to the doctor for my follow-up visit.

One of these days I'm going to need to hunker down and take care of the big mystery that is "Which bills has my health insurance paid and which ones is it still lagging on?" Remember that hateful collection agency woman that was totally mean and unhelpful and probably the most awful person I've ever had the misfortune to deal with (and keep in mind I've been a hostess, waitress and assistant property manager so I have dealt with some pretty NASTY folks before)? Well I ended up calling the original company and giving them my insurance information and just recently got an EOB (Explanation of Benefits for those of you who are not as health insurance savvy as me) saying my insurance paid all the necessary payments and I don't have to pay anything out of pocket! SO TAKE THAT ANN DANIELS YOU EVIL COLLECTOR LADY! I would say other things about her but it's not very Christian-like of me to even be thinking them so I'm just going to praise God for resolving this all without marring my credit!

I was planning to change gears and write about politics but Paul's home now so it'll have to wait!

wingless was still breathing at 3:33 PM -

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