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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

stupid things democrats say

Contrary to my "I will not sit in front of the boob tube and watch FoxNews all day" plan, I did put off studying to watch Special Report with Brit Hume just now (my favorite FoxNews show).

Democrats are pretty entertaining. Sometimes the things they do make me laugh out loud. For instance, the story about how Bush unveiled his plan to fight a pandemic of bird flu and the Democratic reaction to it being, "But we don't have enough vaccines for EVERYONE in the country RIGHT THIS MINUTE." I thought this story went along way to highlight Democratic silly-ness and short-sighted-ness.

For one, if I understand things correctly, the current strain of bird flu is unable to be transferred via human contact. Thus the vaccine for the bird flu in its present form would be useless against the form that could actually cause a pandemic - a mutated version that enabled the flu to be spread through human contact. Therefore the Democratic screeching for vacinne NOW NOW NOW doesn't make sense and would just be a huge waste of money. As the Secretary of Health (I thiknk?) said on Special Report, what we need to happen is to invest in increasing the manufacturing capacity in this country so that if and when a pandemic did break out we would have the ability to produce enough vaccines for the entire population within a relatively short window of time (he said the goal would be six months). This is what actually makes sense, but of course, the Democrats just want a "solution" right this minute. They are like bratty children who throw tantrums in grocery stores when they don't get what they want.

That leads nicely into the story about how the Democrats indeed threw a tantrum today and shut down the Senate. See Lorie Byrd over at Polipundit for more on this because I'm going to go wash some dishes!

wingless was still breathing at 4:03 PM -

i think the point is that someone needs to do something...i found it interesting that people are complaining and saying bush is doing too little too late....what the fuck?! seriously..i dont recall any past presidents addressing the situation of a soon to come flu pandemic...last one was in 1918...im waiting for the one that due..and im stock piling supplies and ammo...in case its an apocalypse
Stupid things Republicans say:

"The United States will ask the U.N. Security Council to convene on February the 5th to consider the facts of Iraq's ongoing defiance of the world. Secretary of State Powell will present information and intelligence about Iraqi's -- Iraq's illegal weapons programs, its attempts to hide those weapons from inspectors and its links to terrorist groups.

We will consult, but let there be no misunderstanding: If Saddam Hussein does not fully disarm for the safety of our people, and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him."

George W. Bush "State of the Union 2003"

I don't consider myself a Democrat.

Will Chu
Eric -

I had the exact same thought as you. I thought it was particularly ironic that Hillary was the one carping about "too little, too late" when this particular strain of bird flu (if I'm understanding things correctly) is the same strain that's been around since 1997. In other words - if W is doing "too little, too late" what about her dear ol' hubby?

Of course don't expect the liberal media to point this out.
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