"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later


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Friday, March 10, 2006

the junkyard where my brain lives

Blah. It's Friday. For some reason I have a lot to do today and I slept until past noon and so none of it is done and the day is now half gone. I am still feeling sick, but now in a new, unexpected and different way! Most (but certainly not all) of the congestion is indeed gone (as predicted by my friend Lisa) but now I just feel woozy. And a little pukey. Perhaps from the lack of eating that has taken place in, oh, the last week or so?

I have mentioned repeatedly through the years that the condition of my living quarters is often a good indication of my internal state. I would take a picture of our apartment right now, but I am much too ashamed. Tissues are strewn about, washed clothes has been left piled in the hamper for coming up on a week, cold remedies and empty sudafed wrappers are all over the place, for some reason there is a disconnected printer lying in the middle of the carpet between the TV and the coffee table...I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture. There is still some carpet visible so we're not quite at the point of having to dig out a path when we want to move about the apartment. Not yet anyway. Around Wednesday of this week I got a sudden burst of energy and decided to clean the bathroom, so at least we can pee in a sanctuary of cleanliness. It kind of makes me want to just sit in the bathroom all day long, except Taz's litter box is in there, so no thank you.

This afternoon I need to go pick up Paul's medicine, buy a new humidifier (fyi, Vick's needs to redesign their humidifier so that it doesn't leak all over the place when you happen to need to move it from one part of the room to another), and I have two doctor's appointments (yes, two). Also, it's our turn to bring dinner for our small group tonight and Paul conveniently has to work late so it looks like I will be transporting all that El Pollo Loco on my own.

wingless was still breathing at 1:06 PM -

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