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Friday, March 24, 2006

you can't take it with you

Five years ago, during my freshman year at UCLA, I got my navel pierced. That was actually attempt number two, but I try to block out the first.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, after years of perfect behavior, a large red bump appeared right next to the piercing. It started itching, which I took to be a bad sign.

I showed it to Paul and after a short discussion that went something like, "Gross! Take it out! Now!" out it came. And I must say, it is nice to have one less thing to think about. One less thing to clean in the shower. Nothing to get caught on the waist of my pants or rub uncomfortably when I sleep on my stomach. My mom used to tell me that you don't really own your things, they own you. I see now how right she is.

Speaking of which, I have been trying to work in a post about my new mental disorder brought on by my engagement ring. (Hooray! Success!). Up until now the most expensive pieces of jewelry I've worn on a daily basis are my cross necklace (about $400)and the promise ring Paul gave me two Christmas's ago (about $200-$300). I wear both the necklace and ring every day and don't think much about them. They are what I like to call "low-stress jewelry" because they are not likely to spontaneously fall apart and get lost.

On the other hand, my engagement ring is worth close to 10k and the bulk of the cost is in the diamond. Which is set with a measly FOUR PRONGS. So these four tiny little things of metal are holding in an eight to nine thousand dollar diamond that threatens to fall out at any moment. At least in my mind. It didn't help when several girls in my small group regaled me with stories of other people's four prong settings being totally inadequate and leading to lost diamonds. I was told to shake my ring a lot and if there is any sort of noise that indicates the diamond might be lose to take it in immediately.

Now I am really scared to wear my ring. And when I do, I look like I have some bizarre mental problems that cause me to hold my left hand to my ear and shake wildly every few minutes.

All I can say is my mom is so wise. That damn thing owns me. I think once we are married I will stick with just wearing my wedding band, which is a shame because my engagement ring is pretty. Oh well.

wingless was still breathing at 1:44 PM -

hahahahahaha. you're so silly. ;)
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