"Being too charming was never one of my faults." - Kill Me Later
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So far I've published all comments. HOWEVER. This is my website, I pay for it and I've decided there will now be rules. From now on, I may choose not to publish comments that are left anonymously. Why? Because people who choose to post rude comments are often cowardly and like to do those "hit and run" things where you can't ever respond to them because poof they are gone. If you are going to leave a jacka** comment, then own up to it. Put your name. Heck, throw in an email address. I've got mine posted after all. To the cowardly anonymous lurker who left this comment...We all know that the left perceives FoxNews as having a HUGE "right-wing bias." The truth is though, that because the mainstream media has for so long been completely left-wing (as is evidenced by the fact that huge majorities of the press has consistently been found to vote Democrat and describe themselves as liberal) you guys are just totally confused by a media outlet that leans SLIGHTLY to the right, but for the most part does allow ALL views onto their programs. But whatever, you just go on wearing that tinfoil hat there buddy. Oh and who cares if it is a fact that President Bush's poll numbers are at 33%? I wasn't referencing articles discussing his poll numbers. But I guess people like you just assume things when you don't really know. Ask me if I'm surprised.
I always found it hilarious that lefties think Fox News is right wing. Take a look at their evening line up. You have Brit Hume who is conservative. You have Sheppard Smith after that who as far as I can tell is just an entertainer. You then have Bill O'Reilly, a populist (sometimes left wing, sometimes right wing). You then have Hannity and Colmes--a right winger and a left winger. Lastly, you have Gretta who is a liberal (and Scientology nut if I'm not mistaken). That hardly sounds like a right wing network.
Exactly! But somehow, I doubt we will ever convince the moonbats that they're wrong. You know...garlic:vampires...truth:liberals =)
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