Monday, May 15, 2006
never say never
I'm pretty sure that when I left, I swore to myself I'd never go back. Well. Looks like I'm eating my words, at least in part. I wasn't going to, but then I talked to Paul, Mr. Voice of Reason and he was all, "Blah, blah, good opportunity, blah, blah, you need to take advantage of it, blah blah, important people can get you internships/jobs, blah, blah."
So then I emailed my old supervisor and told him to put me down as a volunteer for the event with the governor on Wednesday. And poof. I'm back. Sort of. Hopefully I've grown savvy enough to use this opportunity to make some connections in the business world. They should come in handy when I'm looking for an internship next summer.
wingless was still breathing at 5:59 PM
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