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Monday, August 28, 2006

carpe diem

It's finally starting to hit me. Tomorrow I will finish stuffing all my belongings into my car, piss off the cat by shoving her into her carrying bag and off into the great blue yonder I go. I've never lived in the Central Valley before. But then, six years ago, I had never lived in Los Angeles either.

Tonight I heard from one of my roommates. She's a 2nd year. She said that our complex is known to be full of people who love to party. Which would be great if I were a freshman, but unfortunately as a tired, old, crochety, engaged grad student? Not so appealing. She said she's hoping to be able to move into a better complex once the semester starts and people start dropping, so I may do the same if it really appears unbearable. I thought I was going to be living with seniors and graduate students only so this is a rather unpleasant surprise. Someone remind me to keep telling myself it's only for four months.

My sister asked me tonight if I need those extra-long sheets and then I really started to feel like I was regressing. But I know I'm not. I'm not going to be an undergraduate after all, just living amongst them.

I'm trying to be positive but suddenly I feel like the next year is a huge question mark. What will it be like living away from Paul and Taz? Will I survive my very first winter outside of California? Will I be able to bring my laptop on the plane with me or will they be banned for transatlantic flights? And if so, will the in-flight movies be any good? - because they better be. All very pressing questions.

Last night I had this dream about the wedding. It was kind of bordering on a nightmare but not quite because the wedding wasn't awful it was just not very interesting. And not very well planned. Remember awhile ago when I was all, "I don't know what everyone is talking about because wedding planning is so totally easy"? Yeah, starting to be a bit more of a headache. Mainly the color coordinating of the dresses and the fact that we can't all (and by all I mean my bridesmaids, Paul and I) come to an agreement on what specific color blue they should be. I think by the end of this I will be aware of every single possible shade of blue that anyone has ever made a dress out of. I'm hoping that it will go back to being a piece of cake once we get over this hump because really? It's supposed to be fun! And DANGNABIT I WILL make this fun again. I'm the bridezilla of fun! easy! wedding planning. I refuse to be one of those brides crying over the flower arrangements the day before the wedding.

wingless was still breathing at 11:33 PM -

Hahaha! I got a text on Friday...apparently Capri doesn't look good. (apparently, "capri" is also more than a style of pants)

It'll all be okay--i give in. Go ahead. Put me in plaid.
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