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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

America the beautiful

I took this picture of Paul when we were in New York earlier this year. Been wanting to post it for awhile but never got around to it. One of our professors (a conservative one) showed us Farenhype 9/11 in class today and it made me think of it. I heard a bit of scoffing from my classmates but I thought the film laid out the truth about that fat bastard's (aka Michael Moore) movie quite well.

Towards the end of the film there were quite a few interviews with military servicemembers and the families of some of our fallen heros (who's funerals were exploited in Moore's film - without the consent of their families) and over and over again I heard them saying how America is the absolute, greatest country that there is. I wondered what my French classmates thought about that? Because I certainly agree that America is without a doubt the greatest country in history, but I guess the French probably think they are? Or maybe not, I don't know. Just a thought I had.

So, here we are, it's election night again. I'm feeling kind of down so I don't know what else to say about that. All along I've felt that it's so much more important for the Republicans to maintain control of the House as opposed to the Senate (because of the immigration issue) but it doesn't look like that'll happen. The thought of a Speaker of the House Pelosi is seriously depressing me.

Sigh. Guess we'll see how it goes.

EDIT: I may be taking all of this particularly hard because this is the first really depressing election night I've ever experienced (since I didn't become a Republican until after the 2000 debacle...).

wingless was still breathing at 6:19 PM -

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