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UCLAPD does their job. Students outraged.
UPDATE: Good lord people, get a grip. Go read the clarification above, I'm not saying "beat the crap out of him because he's Middle-Eastern" I'm saying he deserved to be taser (as ANYONE would) for disobeying legitimate orders, for creating a threatning situation and for generally not being a good citizen. Can we all agree that any reasonable person would have left long before the police officers even got there? I mentioned his ethnicity as an ADDED factor and not a justification. The justification comes from the fact that HE was causing the problem and in my opinion (you know, people who disagree with you are allowed to have those too) the officers were justified in their use of force. Yeesh people, take some anger management classes or something because y'all are scary. Hi Jesse ;) I'm about to head to bed but I just wanted to write a quick post about this video of a UCLA student named Mostafa Tabatabainejad being tased by a UCLA police officer. If you watch the video, it's pretty clear that the guy was acting in a pretty belligerent manner. Thus, the cops were acting in a way consistent with their duty to protect the public. For all they knew this guy could be a sexual predator, thief or - I'm going to go ahead and say it - a terrorist. Face it, his name is Mostafa Tabatabainejad (knowing UCLA, I'm guessing he's probably Persian? but that's just an educated guess) and we live in a post 9/11 world where, whether we like to admit it or not, we all give extra scrutiny to people who are behaving oddly and appear to be of Middle-Eastern descent. All I know is that my little sister is a student at UCLA right now and am I glad that the cops forcefully confronted a young man of apparent Middle-East descent who was refusing to produce ID, shouting at the cops and resisting being escorted out of the library? Yes, very. Thank you, UCLAPD for doing your job. And I'm sorry about all the stupid college kids you'll probably be taking crap from until they find the next Great Outrage to fixate on. Damn hippies. Edit: Can't sleep, got into a discussion with my little cousin about this incident and we're on different but not completely opposite sides. He thinks that UCPD should have considered the media ramifications for LAPD and police officers in general. He also says that they used too much force, because 5 times is overkill. First of all, the guy clearly wanted to cause a scene. The whole ugly situation could have been avoided if he had left when the CSO's first asked him to. When the cops showed up, instead of screaming in their faces about how he was going to leave and getting belligerent when they tried to physically speed up his exit from the library, he could have just went along peacefully since he was the jackass who created the situation in the first place. Second, at the beginning of the video, you hear the guy screaming belligerently at the cops that he's leaving, you can hear one of the cops go, "It's okay," in an obvious attempt to calm the guy down, while the guy continues to scream his head off. After the student is tased the first time he goes limp, but continues to yell out angrily about "abuse of power" and that he's leaving...except he won't get up when the cops tell him to (and I don't buy the whole, he probably couldn't because he got tased, it was in drive-stun mode which is not supposed to incapacitate but rather cause pain). As far as the students who was threatened when he asked one of the cops for his badge number, he may have a case. But I can't say I blame the cops, particularly when a crowd of self-righteous, angry students is forming around them. In an interesting coincidence, while I was at UCLA a couple of my friends were pulled over by two of the cops involved in the incident. They were smoking pot and had paraphernalia in the trunk. They said the officers gave them some crap but ultimately let them go without filing a police report. (They did take the pot and pieces, though, hm...)
i really think you need to watch the vid again...the cops threaten to taze him if he wont stand up...not proper procedure...and who were they protecting?
he is a student
They threatened to taze him again if he won't stand up precisely because they are asking him to leave...he needs to stand up in order to leave.
I know that it's all up to individual interpretation but in my mind it's pretty clear that they were protecting the other students in the library - particularly because he did not have his student ID and therefore could not properly be identified as a student. Late at night it is procedure for CSO's to check for student ID because only students are allowed to be there at night. Since he did not have his ID the cops had no way of knowing whether or not he really was a student and considering events such as the rape of a girl in her De Neve dorm room by non-students who I'm sure could have passed as students I don't blame the cops at all.
Just to elaborate a little more on the De Neve rape (I just realized that you are not necessarily a UCLA student/former student). Several years ago three high school students on a school field trip to UCLA wandered into the dorms because during the day people are not checked for ID. They entered a girl's room and raped her as she was trying to finish up a paper due later that day (although I believe they were later acquited because the defense claimed the sex was consensual and I guess she wasn't really hurt physically in the attack so the jury was like, Hey it's totally believable that a girl rushing to finish a paper that is due that afternoon would stop suddenly and decide to have sex with three admitted strangers who wandered into her room).
Anyway, my point is just, the cops acted reasonable as they had no way of knowing who this guy was. We are issued and told to carry UCLA ID cards on campus for a reason. The cops came into a situation where a guy was refusing to comply with the CSO officers, shouting psychotically at them and had no proof that he was in fact a student. With tragedies such as the recent rampage shooting in a Canadian university the cops responded propertly to an ambiguous, threatening situation that was created by the student.
ummm...you really need to look closer at the video...how is a handcuffed indivdual a threat to anyone?
was he gonna bolt and start headbutting everyone in the library? i am aware of the homeless prob in westwood, and aware of campus attacks but the taser is to be used when a suspect is a threat, not as a device to cause punishment...which is how it was used in this situation as a former ucla student, you are aware that this is midterm week...students are on edge... and you need to read the report from the campus cops given to the la times...they make it sound as if the student was attempting to instigate a riot....an outright lie cops are not allowed to act in a punative manner based on prior events...they must take each incident at its own merit the students in the library did not feel threatened, until they witnessed the cops tasering a handcuffed suspect law and order is one thing....abuse of power is another...and accepting the word of one in power at face value, is a mistake
I think you need to watch the video, study a lot more so you can understand what kind of country you live in and adpt a new look into the world: being a willing slave is not worth living way ... Pooir dear, you enjoy the police state!
Good for you!
So you're going to hold people who "seem" to be of middle eastern descent in suspicion just because of their color and their race? So you're saying you recommend excessive force for a given situation if the person is from the middle east. That is the most stupid remark I have heard in recent times, and the stupidest observation of that event that I have read. Would you like to to stereotype you as a stupid chink with bad teeth and pasty white skin who talks as if she's chewing on marbles? I don't think you would, and neither would I, of non-middle eastern, yet Pakistani descent. I will not stereotype you or stoop to your level, but there's one thing for certain: you are very very stupid. Infact, what the fuck, i'll go and say it... "stupid chink."
didn't know asians could be rednecks. so if it was someone named brad harrington would you be outraged? what if your sister got zapped? Your ignorance is a disgrace to UCLA. Go CAL!
I completely agree. That guy deserved it. If you don't have ID when you're supposed to, it's YOUR FAULT. Just get your things and leave. Don't disturb everyone else in the library and make a scene. So what if the police officers held your forearm to escort you out? It's perfectly within their right to do so! Idiot.
I was studying at my school library which has the same ID policy. I didn't have my ID and was asked to leave. Guess what? It sucked, but I left. No problems whatsoever. I can't believe this guy is playing the race card over the incident. It's not like the CSO's only checked his ID. Give me a break. They check everyone's IDs. That's like saying bouncers at a club are illegally targeting racial minorities when they ask them for their IDs to verify that they're 21. Come off it, the check everyone's IDs. For a 23 year old grad student at UCLA, he's pretty friggin ignorant. That, or he wants to try to make a quick buck with a bogus lawsuit. And to all those ignorant people out there claiming that he couldn't stand up because he was being tasered, do a little research. I see a lot of people quoting an ACLU report stating that someone who has been shot with a taser may be incapacitated for 10-15 minutes. That's correct, but not for a taser on the drive stun mode, which was what the officers had it on. A taser on the drive stun mode does NOT incapacitate people. He could stand up, he just refused to. And in the off chance that he was incapacitated, he could have TOLD the police officers that he was incapacitated. He could have said, "Officer, I can't stand because I just got tasered." I mean, clearly he was still capable of speaking, right? After all, didn't he say, "Here's your fucking Patriot Act?" So he can get that out of his mouth but he can't simply explain that he can't stand up? Give me a break. By the way, a lot of the commentators should read your post a little closer before leaving derogatory comments. Like, for instance, the person who called you a stupid chink. That person's argument is predicated on the fact that the forced use was "excessive." He or she misunderstands your argument. I think what you're arguing is that "appropriate force for the situation" should be use to subdue those that do not comply with the rules/regulations. It's easy to miss stuff like that when you don't read. Before people start shouting about racist white people, I'm a racial minority as well.
As you’re into guessing games and are guessing this apparent victims middle eastern descent … using your bigoted yardstick… not so long ago (WWII) people who looked like your were sent to internment camps in the US. I feel dirty even trying to use the mental yardsticks you have… so I bid you good mental health… and may you rot in your bigoted self exiled hell that is America …
Charlotte Jenson (London)
I'm sorry for your manner of thinking. You're baby-minded!
You still think about descent?! What descent are you from? Barbarians? You should have been born hundreds of years ago. Your mind belongs to that era...
You wrote some pretty insensitive things and should be ashamed. No one deserves that kind of treatment.
I feel very sorry for you...world could have been a much nicer place without this way of thinking.
May Jesus Forgive You Before You See God at the Judgement
yeah, i'm pretty baffled by your post (it was one of the first results when i googled the incident)--especially the bit about the "post 9/11 world"... i think that was particularly narrow-minded. you seem to think that his alleged "middle-eastern descent" means that others shouldn't intervene, that the police are doing us a service??
it's a mistake to accept arbitrary power and structures... and people like you only serve to perpetuate them. "self-righteous, angry students" ??? at least they know what they DON'T want, and they don't blindly accept shit like this.
plz check this site:: http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/ENGAMR511392004
Imagine same story will be happen 4 u or 4 your cousin
so, basically what you are trying to say is, if he didn't look middle-eastern, it would have been unacceptable, but since he looks like an arab, he deserves it.. right... by the way, he was leaving when the cops grabbed his arm and he said don't touch me..so get your facts straight. secondly, i can't believe how racist you are, u sicken me. i think you are a terrorist because we are living in a 'post-pearl-harbor' world.
original poster, your comments are very stupid. Watch the video again.
The guy is leaving a library, not a strip joint, not a liquor store. It's abuse of power.
Couldn't the cops grab his arms and take him out of the library without using tazer gun again and again (how many times; did you count!? :D) ?!
Sure, they could! you dont think so?! You are saying that the guy clearly wanted to cause a scene, right? I have no idea how painful it is to get a tazer! but based on your reasoning, dont you think that somebody say probably the cops wanted to cause a scene as well? sounds acceptable, true? I'm not gonna say that the guy was right; absolutely not! he had to leave the library at the time he was asked to do so, but the cops could be nicer! P.S. I dont know you, but this is just a friendly advice to you. Next time you are writing something about people, try to write in was that doesn't seem that you are generalizing!
aren't you a racist!!!
I'm persion you dumbass..and I'm not a fucking racist! What the police did was horrible..Mostafa was stupid not to cooperate but I don't think he deserved to be tasered! This has nothing to do with 9/11 so you go fuck yourself!! you and your fucking stupid racism comments!
P.S. I dont know you, but this is just a friendly advice to you. Next time you are writing something about people, try to write in a way that doesn't seem you are generalizing!
Since when has the race of a person become a basis for how they should (or should not) be treated by the police??
I don't know where you are originally from, I'm guessing you are of Chinese origin? How would you feel if chinese people were treated that way just because they were of "apparent" chinese descent? I wasn't there myself so I'm not defending the guy nor am I necessarily condemning the police's use of force (though I belive it was excessive, as the guy might have become physically hurt and thus unable to stand up) but anyway, I think your comments are very outragous...mentioning the apparent nationality of the guy and being glad that a "a young man of apparent Middle-Eastern descent" was forcefully confronted by the police... As for being Persian, again another racist notion, I never heard of a single persian individual being involved in any of the terrorist attacks in the US or elsewhere in recent years... It's sad seeing a seemingly educated individual being so overly short-sighted and shallow.
Obviously the source of your idea comes from CNN or other news that are ruled by American politicians. However, you are a very narrow minded person. Let me clear it for you, if you think Middle Eastern= Terrorist, I think You=Chink...get it? got it? Good!!! now go Taser your self infront of a mirror and while you do that, watch how small your chinky brain gets (as small as your eyes)
No human deserves to be treated like how this guy was treated, no matter what nationality they are. you can NOT assume every body is a terrorist and agree to torture them. I gave you a clear example of how some body can be racist towards you. Now go and think about it tonight before you sleep.
I'm sure if someone called you a dirty chink you'd cry your eyes out and call it racism. You should really watch your ugly mouth and most of all - have some goddamn respect, cunt.
oh shut up you damn chink. he was willingly going to leave , i would know i was at the library that day. i was sitting right by where he was and was quietly leaving when they grabbed his arm for no reason. he said don't touch me i am leaving and that's where it started.
don't begin to assume when you have no idea. you fucking insensitive monster
I completly agree with you - you have some narrow minded smartass student trying to make a poor attempt at making a political statement - if he would have just showed them his ID none of this would have happened. He got exactly what he deserved.....I would have taken him to the ground & arrested him the first time....they gave him multiple chances to cooperate...and now he is gonna sue the police....the ACLU is the terrorist in the US...banish them!!!!
Ugh. Last time I'm going to respond to these morons accusing me of being racist and blah blah blah. Y'all need to learn how to read. I never said Middle Eastern = terrorists. That's what you guys are putting in my mouth. I gave a plethora of reasons as to why it was a perfectly acceptable use of force NO MATTER WHAT HIS RACE WAS. BUT I do think as a Middle Eastern person nowadays you have to be MORE careful (not to say its a justification for random police brutality, but if YOU create a threatening situation where the police are justified in using force AND you're Middle Eastern you think they'll give you the benefit of the doubt? NO. All I'm saying is be smart.)
For the person who said "you=chink" so I should go taser myself. Wtf? That doesn't even make any sense. Do you people read your comments before you post them? I know y'all are highly "ejucated" and all so what's going on there? It's crazy liberal loonies like the majority of the commenters here that made me a Republican in the first place. Try being reasonable and not using personal attacks. Try reading the other person's entire argument and thinking critically before launching into trollish personal attacks. Honestly I don't care if you call me a "stupid chink" because it makes you guys obviously look like the racist ones to anyone with half a brain. To those with less than half a brain...well who cares about them anyway? It's nice to see there are at least a few students out there who are able to read before they spout out irrational and angry comments. You angry liberals do realize that no one is forcing you to come to my site don't you? There's a little button that looks like [x] this at the top-left hand corner of the page. Feel free to use it if you hate me so much. (c) 2001-2006 transcended.net - all rights reserved |