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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

voter oppression

Wow. This election has become totally personal to me for reasons beyond what I ever really thought could happen to me...

So I got home from happy hour with some coworkers after another long day of work. Paul finished cooking dinner and we headed down the street to our polling spot, just a couple blocks down.

Even though I voted without incident during the primary at this very polling place. Even though I have not TOUCHED my registration since the primaries, suddenly, somehow, I am registered to vote absentee??? GEE, isn't that a little f*cking convenient considering I am probably only one of ten registered Republicans in my dark blue little corner of this dark blue city? Not to mention, NO, I never received an absentee ballot anyway!!

So anyway, I had to vote provisionally, which basically means my vote won't count since there's no question how SF will vote. I can only hope my vote gets counted when it comes to the propositions but we shall see about that.

I really can't believe that this is how things have ended. As I write this McCain is giving his concession speech, and while I knew this was definitely a possible outcome, I always believed that at least if I voted, it would count in some small way. Now it won't. I'm so seriously pissed.


wingless was still breathing at 8:15 PM -

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