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Saturday, May 31, 2008

murder #45 of 2008

I have this habit where I like to be on top of all the murders that are going on in this city via the Chronicle and this website. This story is especially disturbing to me because a) at least at first blush it would appear to be a pretty random act of violence (road rage perhaps?) and b) we were actually about two blocks away from there around the time the article reports shots were reported to police.

Sometimes I find it really hard to believe that liberals can actually think this city makes a great case for letting them run the country.

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wingless was still breathing at 11:42 PM -

Yeah-- it was violent crime and the liberal reaction to it (weak, excuse-making and perversely sympathetic) that first set me at around age 16 on the road to mental health, i.e. conservatism.
It's amazing, isn't it? The lengths they'll go to to try to make the criminals into the victims somehow...
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