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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

love my dubs (not george)

I must admit that when I first saw our draft pick this year, I thought what a lot of Warriors fans were probably thinking, "Oh great, another tall, skinny kid to warm the bench for Nellie." When I heard he made Brandan Wright, and I quote, "look like a bodybuilder," I was even less thrilled.

But (and I don't know if this is just because as a fan I have to hope for the best) I'm really starting to think we just might have gotten the steal of the draft in this Anthony Randolph kid. All indications are that he's got a solid head on his shoulders and after watching him play a bit more, yes, he's skinny but he looks strong too. And as bad as Nellie's reputation is for playing rookies, this kid has all the things Nellie loves - 6'10" who can handle the ball like a guard, shoot, hustle for rebounds and blocks, and generally cause serious matchup problems for the other team. I really hope he's everything he's looking like he could be...please...

Oh and if we could just keep Buke I'd be pretty happy too. He's worth the MLE so $3mil/year is a steal really.


wingless was still breathing at 6:34 PM -

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